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[Def]: Festivaa - a photography and videography company specialized in wedding and eloping. Or at least, that’s the technical description.

[The boring one…]: Festivaa - a factory of memories, building audiovisual representations of what it means to be in love.

But we’re not going to lie—factories can be a bit capricious sometimes.


We are team Festivaa:
We are moment bandits, Diamonds in the rough, Cookie monsters, Ninjas in training, Snicker-doodles, Yin-Yang, Snuggie Woogems…

Or in much simpler words: A husband and wife team!


We are fans of the unpredictable, the unknown, and the unexplored. Our love and work go hand in hand with wanderlust, and we want to build memories of your most Wondrous adventure to date—your bond. Right along as they happen.

Natural, beautiful, unique—the way your relationship is.



Photography and cinematography are artistic expressions that are deeply rooted in the personality and tastes of the people in front and behind the camera. And, guys? We are wild.  


Not wild in the “What happened last night?” sense, but in the “let’s think outside the box to get the perfect shot”. Because we want to design the perfect photos and videos for you—tailor-made for who you are, what you like, and how you feel.

 And if it requires us to climb a mountain, lie on the ground, and come in contact with miscellaneous creepy-crawlies to capture your perfect smile, we will.


 Like we said at the start, Festivaa is a factory of memories. We’ll work alongside you to capture the spontaneity of those little moments—the twinkly smiles, the inside jokes, the clumsy accidents, the giggles turned into snorts, and the playful banter.

Festivaa turns those charming imperfections into the perfect depiction of what love is like. Let us hold your hands and guide you through the aesthetic details of this journey you call bonding for life.

We can be like a polaroid, instantly developing something beautiful!!!